Co-founded by Sakurako Jayne Abe and Chihiro Yasufuku in 2021, the Hibiki Project is a collective committed to expanding the prominence of Japanese and related musical genres (邦楽・Hōgaku) in Canada and beyond.

Discerning the pressing need for meaningful cultural connection and expression by musicians of colour in the western music community, the founding piano-vocal duo places value on collaborating with like-minded local and global artists in the performance of historically overlooked and newly written pieces.

邦楽の魅力や「ひびき」をより多くの人に伝えるため、トロントを拠点に活動するピアノヴォーカルデュオ(ピアノ: 阿部櫻子ジェーン、ヴォーカル: 安福知優)。


The Japanese term Hibiki (響・ひびき) can be translated to “sound quality” “echo” and “resonance” - Hibiki’s work is inspired from this term, embedding hope of evolving into a safe platform through which featured artists and music may hold heartfelt resonance across borders and communities. 
— Jayne & Chihiro